niedziela, 10 kwietnia 2011

Alejandra Jackson To Move Out -- Book Deal Imminent

Alejandra Jackson -- the houseguest who just wouldn't leave -- has agreed to vacate the Jackson family compound -- and sources tell TMZ a tell-all book deal is now a done deal.
Alejandra -- who has 5 kids via two of Michael Jackson's brothers, Randy and Jermaine -- has been a squatter in the Encino compound for months -- and was probably going to be evicted next week after a court hearing, but she has informed the Michael Jackson Estate she will be moving out by April 14.

The Estate had offered Alejandra a condo, provided she sign a confidentiality agreement, but she refused.  Sources tell us the Estate is not paying Alejandra a penny or offering her any housing -- this was Alejandra's decision -- and we're told it's a clear sign a book deal has been closed.

PS The doc is available on tmz too.

piątek, 8 kwietnia 2011

Dr. Murray: Don't Show MJ Autopsy Pics in Court

Dr. Conrad Murray is begging the judge to ban Michael Jackson's autopsy photos from being shown in court during his manslaughter trial. In a motion filed today in LA County Superior Court ... Murray's legal team argues the photos "will only unnecessarily and unfairly prejudice the jury against Dr. Murray."

They also claim the photos will not help the jury determine the cause of Michael's death.

On the juicier side ... Murray's attorneys also filed a motion to exclude testimony or evidence dealing with the doc's visits to strip clubs, the women he met there, and the amount of money he spent in those clubs.

They also want Murray's extramarital affairs left out of the proceedings.

Murray on MJ Kids: 'That's My Children, I Love Them'

File this one under The Feeling Is Probably Not Mutual -- while out at The Grove in Los Angeles yesterday, a photog asked Dr. Conrad Murray about Michael Jackson's kids and he responded, "That's my children, I love them. I love them."



poniedziałek, 4 kwietnia 2011

The making of "Michael" album *video*

Michael Jackson Statue Erected Outside Soccer Stadium

English Premier League soccer and Michael Jackson are synonymous with each other (just go with it) so it should come as no surprise that a statute in his honor was unveiled outside a stadium in London today. Turns out the owner of the Fulham FC, Mohamed Al Fayed, was close friends with Jackson. He had originally planned to put the statue outside of Harrods in London, but he sold the store last year.

So now it is displayed outside of a soccer stadium in London. Perfect match.




niedziela, 3 kwietnia 2011

What Majestik Magnificent said...

March 10, 2011


This is Majestik Magnificent. I am writing to all of you about some things that are very disturbing. First of all let me say there has been a video floating around stating that Michael Jackson is still alive and this video is being sold online. PLEASE DO NOT support this video. It is very heartbreaking and very low for Michael’s three kids to have to hear someone say their father is still alive and yet he does not contact them. This is very hard on children and very hurtful for them to have to hear this.

Second, Katherine Jackson, Michael’s mother, has so much to worry about and so much to think about she doesn’t need someone to say they have proof that her son is alive. Once again it is very disrespectful and very unfair to the entire Jackson family. Unfortunately, it is not true. Michael Jackson has passed. Michael Jackson is not here anymore. That is the truth. So I ask you NOT to support any video which makes someone money off of lying and saying that someone’s father, someone’s brother, and someone’s son who is dead is still alive. I know it is hard for some of you to let go and I am not asking you to let go. Keep Michael’s spirit and what he stood for within you. Carry him in your heart. Carry him in your memory. But please do not spread rumors that he is alive. The children do not need to hear that.

I don’t quite understand why it is that there seems to be a division among you fans. I just do not understand that. If one fan is upset with another fan and another fan is upset with another fan and so on and so on, that has nothing to do with justice for Michael. That has to do with bickering amongst ourselves. Please stop it. That is not what Michael Jackson was about. He was about love and wanted you all in unity. I keep getting calls and emails about fans fighting. I want you to all join in unity and show the world your love for Michael. The way to do this is in large numbers and in unity- like at the trial, I want you to all come out in the thousands, not the hundreds. Michael was bigger than that. It’s up to you to be his voice. It’s up to you to show the world his love through your unity. It’s up to you to show the world, and the press especially, the LOVE you have for the greatest entertainer that ever walked the planet.

I also want to say that the banner that is being flown all over the world is a wonderful thing. Mr. Jackson told me to tell you all that he endorses it 300%. LaToya Jackson told me to tell you that she supports it 300%, and make no mistake that the whole Jackson family loves you and respects you for your endurance, respect you for fighting for justice for their family member, and above all are in awe of the love you have shown for Michael Joseph Jackson. It is not important who thought of the banner, whose idea it was, or any of that. What is important is that there is a banner being flown all over the world simultaneously, demanding justice for Michael. I hate to have to waste the importance of this letter on petty arguments regarding the banner. Once again I ask you to let the whole world see that the fans are in unity and the banner will fly. That is what is important.

I want to say to Trisha Franklin, Antoinette Albert, and everyone else on the team of “A Million Trees for Michael” project that the nearly 20,000 trees that have been donated for the Michael Jackson National Forest is an amazing thing. Keep up the good work and keep fighting for that. Michael loved nature and cared about the planet. He would support this fully.

Please send this letter out to all your friends who are fans. I look forward to seeing you all in great, great numbers at the court. Please keep Michael’s kids and family in your prayers. Prayer is so important in times like these.

I thank you for listening, and may God bless you and keep you.

Majestik Magnificent

Happy birthday Paris Jackson!

Ayo :)
Today's post is dedicated to Michael's daughter, Paris- Michael Katherine Jackson, who's becoming a teenager today :)

Smiles and laughter, joy and cheer
New happiness that stays throughout the year
Hope your birthday brings all these and more
Filling life with surprise and joys galore

Paris with Michael: